
'Free to Choose' producer Bob Chitester to be honored with Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award

Bob Chitester

In 1980, the Free To Choose documentary series brought the insights of Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman and his clear explanations of sound economic principles to millions of public television viewers. Building on that unprecedented success, its producer, Bob Chitester, founded Free To Choose Network and continued creating new documentaries and programs that foster an appreciation for free markets and individual liberty among enormous audiences. At Atlas Network’s upcoming Liberty Forum, Chitester and his significant achievements will be honored with a Sir Antony Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award.

“Annually, we give the Fisher International Memorial Award to recognize publications that make a persuasive case for liberty, but this year we want to give a special honor to Bob Chitester and Free To Choose Network,” said Atlas Network CEO Brad Lips. “Bob has proven that the beauty of liberty can be conveyed in sophisticated visual documentaries that earn attention among diverse audiences. He’s very deserving of a Sir Antony Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Register today for Liberty Forum to secure your spot at this inspirational event that recognizes significant achievements within the worldwide freedom movement, including the very special contributions of Bob Chitester and Free To Choose Network.

Chitester is the second individual to be awarded the Sir Antony Fisher Lifetime Achievement Award. The first to receive the award was V. John Raybould in 2006 for a career that left legacies at the Adam Smith Institute, the Fraser Institute, and the Institute of Economic Affairs.

Through the Idea Channel and Free To Choose Network, Chitester has helped produce award-winning documentaries like India Awakes, Power to the People, and The Power of the Poor, as well as bringing the best minds in free-market economics together for wide-ranging discussions of crucial public policy topics, including Milton Friedman, Friedrich A. Hayek, Gary Becker, James Buchanan, Walter Williams, and many more.

Also at Liberty Forum, there will be a special discussion of a new Free To Choose documentary on the dramatic free-market reforms undertaken by New Zealand three decades ago. Key players in the reform, including former New Zealand public officials Roger Douglas, Ruth Richardson, and Alan Gibbs will join Atlas Network’s Tom G. Palmer for a discussion of the history and ideas explored in Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story.