
Latin America Think Tank Start-up Training prepares new leaders

LA think tank start up

New think tanks are founded to blaze new trails in policy research and advocacy, and they do so more effectively when they learn methods and best practices from others who have gone before. The Think Tank Start-Up Training workshop offered by Atlas Network’s Atlas Leadership Academy teaches participants what it’s like to work in and lead a think tank, basic strategies about administration and finance, and techniques for creating effective communications.

The most recent Latin America Think Tank Start-up Training was a two-day intensive workshop held in Santiago, Chile, on May 25–27. The event, hosted by Atlas Network partner Libertad y Desarrollo, brought together 23 participants from 12 different countries.

“The contagious enthusiasm radiated [from] the teachers,” said Marcos Bragagnolo of Argentina. “We were taken by the idea that we can change the world and that change is created by a few people working hard within institutions.”

Cristián Larroulet, former Minister General Secretariat of the Presidency of Chile under President Sebastián Piñera.

Luis Larraín, director of Libertad y Desarollo, led a session discussing “what is a think-tank, its role, and its mission in Latin America,” and Atlas Network Director of Strategic Initiatives Gonzalo Schwarz gave a lecture on how to create a strategic plan for an organization.

Bettina Horst, general director of Libertad y Desarollo, and Gonzalo Schwarz.

Aside from gaining invaluable skills, participants learned of the power of Atlas Network’s worldwide array of partner organizations. “The training was very beneficial for those of us starting a pro-liberty organization,” said Victoría Ramírez of Ecudador-based Inteligencia Estratégica. “It gave us a clear and simple plan of action that will facilitate [planning] for the future. In a similar light, it made clear which challenges we could expect and taught us how to prepare ourselves to confront them successfully.”