
Liberté, liberdad, liberdade: Atlas Network introduces Think Tank Basics in three languages

Think Tank Basics

Atlas Network has launched Think Tank Basics, an introductory online curriculum that covers foundational principles in think tank management, in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Originally offered only in English, Think Tank Basics was created in 2018 as a way to help those who are interested in a career in think tank management understand the important role these civil society organizations play in developing both public policy ideas and actionable strategies for reform. Think Tank Basics covers fundamental concepts guiding think tanks that focus on the principles of individual liberty, property rights, limited government, free enterprise, and the rule of law.

“There are always nuances in language that can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand,” said Dr. Patricia Hohlbein, Atlas Network’s vice president of training and events. “These translations will make our educational content more accessible to people throughout Latin America, Francophone Africa, and Europe.”

Think Tank Basics uses online access portals that do not require participants to make a significant financial investment in travel and educational materials. Videos, specially designed reading materials, and presentations by experts in organizational leadership and public policy form the core of the curriculum. Students learn about the pivotal role think tanks play in society, discover new tools that can improve organizational effectiveness, and gain insight into the benefits of working within a network of allies to effect local change.

In the last two years, more than 1,300 students have enrolled in Atlas Network’s introductory course, which is available around the clock to Atlas Network partners and other students of liberty. Hohlbein hopes to inspire Think Tank Basics participants to pursue additional educational opportunities through Atlas Network’s suite of online and in-person coursework.

“Thanks to these new translations, our French, Spanish, and Portuguese speaking partners can be better equipped to advance the principles of liberty and free markets through their think tanks,” she said. “We’re thrilled to be able to reach new audiences with our message of freedom, prosperity, and peace.”

To enroll in Atlas Network’s Think Tank Basics course, visit