
Think Tank Essentials training gives European think tank leaders new perspectives and tools

Think Tank Essentials

Defining challenges, targeting audiences, and crafting workable solutions for success were important takeaways from Atlas Network’s 2020 European Think Tank Essentials training, held in London, England in late February. Twenty-two participants from 20 partner organizations learned how to strengthen the impact of free-market ideas and gained new insights into the best ways to hone their mission statements, market their ideas, and create strategic plans to achieve their project goals.

"I truly appreciate getting a new perspective on working for a think tank and seeing it as a business,” said Olga Łabendowicz, Foreign Relations Officer and Project Coordinator for Poland’s Fundacja Liberte!

The workshop kicked off with introductions from Atlas Network’s Chief Operations Officer Dr. Lyall Swim and training manager Alex Cordell. Swim discussed the importance of winning the battle of ideas in the political sphere. He explained that in order to win the battle of ideas, free-market think tanks need to be able to clearly define the problems they wish to solve, identify the audience that they need to persuade, and create an organization model and mission statement to convey solutions and connect with an audience intellectually and emotionally.

Labendowicz was inspired by the training and pointed out that increasing her understanding of running a think tank will be extremely useful in Fundacja Liberte!’s day-to-day operations. She said, “I am honored I could take part in the training and meet many fantastic and inspiring people from all around the world, learning about their organizations. I am sure this will serve as a basis for future cooperation.”

Martí Jiménez Mausbach agreed with Labendowicz. Jiménez Mausbach, who is Vice President and Head of Research for Spain’s Ostrom Institute, said that the European Think Tank Essentials Workshop has helped him reassess his duties and projects as Head of Research by introducing the emotional perspective in marketing and communication and adopting a more systematic approach to project management and fundraising.

Through lectures, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities, participants crafted messaging and fundraising plans that will help them more effectively build support for their ideas. “I now feel empowered to reach new levels of success and deliver greater impact within my think tank,” said Jiménez Mausbach.

Atlas Network offers a variety of in-person and online trainings. To view current and upcoming courses and webinars, click here.