
'We the Internet' online satire surpasses 1 million views

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Nothing punctures the pretentions of political pundits and their pernicious public policy plans quite like effective satire, and a recent comedy video project from Atlas Network partner Moving Picture Institute (MPI) has gone viral in the last few months, reaching more than 1 million views on YouTube and Facebook. “We The Internet” began in August 2015 with a sketch about trigger warnings, and quickly amassed an online following with funny sketches that take on current events from health care and gun control to defense spending and government shutdowns.

"We The Internet" sketches have been featured in Gizmodo, Laughing Squid, the Daily Caller, and the Blaze.

“My main goal is to make people laugh,” said Lou Perez, a "We The Internet" writer and producer, in an interview with the Blaze. “And if the video starts a conversation, even better.”

Moving Picture Institute was a winner of Atlas Network's prestigious Templeton Freedom Award in 2012, in the “Innovative Media” category.