Free Societies

Winners announced for Atlas Network-Cátedra Vargas Llosa Young Journalism Prize and Certell Prize

Mario Vargas Llosa

Atlas Network-Cátedra Vargas Llosa Young Journalism Prize

At Atlas Network’s Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner, Mario Vargas Llosa announced Carla Gloria Colomé as the winner of the 2021 Atlas Network-Cátedra Vargas Llosa Young Journalism Prize and its US$10,000 prize for her article "11 de julio en San Antonio de los Baños." This award program recognizes young Spanish-language journalists who have made the most impressive contributions to advancing the message and principles of liberty through stories, editorials, and narratives.

Certell Prize

A collaboration between Certell, the Cato Institute, and Atlas Network’s Center for Latin America, the Certell Prize recognizes those organizations and individuals who utilized the most extensive distribution networks in promoting Cinco Tendencias que Debes Conocer. The book is a Spanish-language adaptation of 10 Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know, published as a part of the Cato Institute’s Human Progress initiative. The 2021 winners of the Certell Prize are Gloria Alverez, Maria Marty, Javi Perez, Jakeline Puraya, Ayn Rand Center for Latin America, and Foundation for Economic Education.