Free Societies

Silk Road Station broadcasts ideas of liberty in Afghanistan

Silk Road Station

For roughly two millennia, the network of Silk Road trade routes connected Asian, African, and European regions. The cities of Afghanistan served as interchanges at the heart of this web of commerce, fostering an astounding degree of cultural development, exchange, and collaboration. Atlas Network partner the Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization (AELSO) is bringing the spirit of that historical social cooperation to its new online multimedia project, Silk Road Station.

Watch “Introduction of Silk Road Station” (in Persian)

AELSO focuses its Silk Road Station programs “on subjects such as values of free society, good governance, human rights, rule of law and market economy,” the project’s website explains. Silk Road Station founder Khalid Ramizy has also worked with developers to create apps that allow people to follow the station’s broadcasts in a convenient mobile format, for both the Apple iOS and Android platforms.

“I'm enormously encouraged by Silk Road Radio,” said Tom G. Palmer, Atlas Network’s executive vice president for international programs. “Our Afghan libertarian friends are bold, courageous, intelligent, and diplomatic in promoting the values and the ideas of liberty in their country. I've worked with the Afghanistan Economic & Legal Studies Organization for years, and was impressed from the very start by their integrity and their moral strength. Their latest venture, Silk Road Radio, brings hope, knowledge, and freedom to the Afghan people in several languages. Khalid and his team inspire me. It is an honor to work with them.”

Tom G. Palmer, Atlas Network's executive vice president for international programs, speaks with young students in the AELSO outreach network.